Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Craven Hack of the Year

Also nominated for Craven Hack of the Decade:

Dan Rather, the overtly biased, scheming, insipid, malicious Bush-hating anchor of the Communist Broadcasting System Evening "News".

He had this to say about the coverage of Reagan:

"There is other news, like the reality of Iraq," said the "CBS Evening News" anchor. "It got very short shrift this weekend."

Meaning of course that he had to post-pone another gloom and doom session of report-only-the-bad-side-of-Iraq that is standard in every network on television except Fox. Rather is a coniving liberal elitist coward, and is hearby awarded the Craven Hack of the Year award for obscene leftist politics masquerading as journalism.

Rather's win marks a departure from the three time winner, Maureen Dowd, and puts Rather in the illustrious company of former winners Molly Ivins, Susan Sontag and Peter Jennings.

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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