Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, April 12, 2004

This is why I will vote for Bush

This was a Anti-War protest in San Francisco:

This is the discussion at Little Green Footballs.

And more here.

And the movies here.

These are times when I unfortunately realize why the left should just never, never, never be allowed to govern. It is so sad how this entire event is about hatred. Anti-War used to be about Love and Peace - now its just about hate and racism, not fighting these things, but forwarding them Just frightening and sick.

Racist Islamists marching along utterly clueless anti-war lemmings who don't even get that the Islamists' first act would be to forcibly supress the left in an Islamic state.

These people are sick, wrong, and many are actually treasonous. They should be tried under the 1917 Sedition Act, fined and jailed.

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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