Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, April 09, 2004

Dems on Condi – All Spin Zone

The reason Dems on the 9/11 committee are going nuts over the non-story about pre-9/11 intelligence is that is becoming painfully obvious that John Kerry hasn’t a clue what to do in Iraq. The longer the flocking press can be kept from pressing him on this issue the better. Kerry has no Iraq plan or we would have been hearing about it.

Instead, he’s still pitching the jobs thing – pretty dangerous when a year ago the Dems magic number on jobs was 3 million and now its 1.8 million. These numbers have every indication of being close to even by October. The DNC has so far based their entire campaign on “Anyone But Bush” and bad job numbers. Problem is job numbers aren’t so bad now and Kerry has been effectively shown to be a fairly typical liberal Washington senator, a man without real convictions. If he has such convictions – we need to hear about them. We need to believe them by November.

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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