Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Bush in Prime Time

Pretty solid - Bush more relaxed, less hesitating - excepting the one long pause. Seems he has learned his lesson about "admitting error" - that this then becomes the entire story, for week and weeks, and there is no laying the issue to rest.

Excellent piece on American foreign policy, pre and post Bush, by Victor David Hanson.

Andrew already snagged the money quote:

"In contrast, George W. Bush, impervious to such self-deception, has, in a mere two and a half years, reversed the perilous course of a quarter-century. Since September 11, he has removed the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, begun to challenge the Middle East through support for consensual government, isolated Yasser Arafat, pressured the Europeans on everything from anti-Semitism to their largesse to Hamas, removed American troops from Saudi Arabia, shut down fascistic Islamic “charities,” scattered al-Qaida, turned Pakistan from a de facto foe to a scrutinized neutral, rounded up terrorists in the United States, pressured Libya, Iran, and Pakistan to come clean on clandestine nuclear cheating, so far avoided another September 11—and promises that he is not nearly done yet. If the Spanish example presages further terrorist attacks on European democracies at election time, at least Mr. Bush has made it clear that America—alone if need be—will neither appease nor ignore such killers but in fact finish the terrible war that they started.

As Jimmy Carter also proved in November 1979, one man really can make a difference."

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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