Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Republicans losing the Base?

Responsa from Steve:

“I came across your blog entry linked from www.talkingpointsmemo.com to www.andrewsullivan.com ... An interesting path, but anyway...”

Oz: You gotta love that.

Steve: “I used to be a Reagan Republican, back in college. I'm still fairly conservative in regards to many things, but I've found that I find the direction the Republican party has gone over the years to be rather reprehensible.”

“In 1992 after 12 years of broken promises by Republicans to balance the budget and fix our economy, I voted for Bill Clinton.”

“I was very happy with the results. A balanced budget, the greatest growth in economic prosperity in a generation, low mortgage and interest rates, great jobs, higher salaries. Not just for myself, but the benefits applied to all of America both poor and rich. This led me to question many of the other fundamental beliefs of the Republican Party. Tax policy, etc. I've come to find that the Republican rhetoric is great in adjectives, but small in facts.”

“These past couple of years I've become therefore more engaged with the Democrats. I've now attended conventions, internal committee meetings. I was working with the Wes Clark for President campaign.

And what I've found is that the Democrats really aren't at all what the Republicans like to try to portray them as. Their intelligent, thoughtful Americans. They're open to new ideas; they want to try to do the right thing. Yeah, occasionally I get into some big fights, especially over corporate governance and such, but they listen to arguments and understand and moderate. There should always be vigorous debate on issues, but I believe now that the Republicans push these wedge issues in order to distract from the real debates. It's all about power, rather than doing what is right. They do this, because, the simple truth is, they don't really have any better idea how to run this country and they are afraid to admit it.”

Hey Bushies? You getting this?

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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