Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Monday, March 15, 2004

On Helen Thomas - and she thinks the President is arrogant!?

From the Campaigndesk.org

Classic reporter ego - right here:

LCB: Dan Froomkin wrote recently in the Washington Post that "when the president is in full campaign mode, it can be hard to distinguish between a 'White House' question and a 'campaign' question," and that "an ongoing challenge in the White House press room involves trying to parse when [White House Press Secretary Scott] McClellan will answer a question versus when he will duck it by waving it off as a 'campaign' issue." From where you sit, has this been an issue?

HT: Not for me. I don't expect him to answer anything. He's gotten into a robotic mode. We know he's on one page, he gets his talking points and you cannot move him off of that. Everything is political in a sense. Very defensive.

LCB: NBC's David Gregory is "Stretch," Bill Sammon of the Washington Times is "Super Stretch." Dana Milbank told Campaign Desk that his presidential nickname is unprintable. As far as you know, does the president have a pet name for you?

HT: I'm sure he does. But I don't know what it is.

LCB: Would you want to know?

HT: Do you know it?

LCB: No. But would you want to know?

HT: I could care less. Just so long as he spells my name right.

Oz: Because, with Helen Thomas - its all about me, me, me. It's so important what she's doing for us, the American citizen.

And it's "couldn't care less" by the way - in, you know, English? (You pontificating moron).

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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