Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Andrew Sullivan for SecDef!

Read this and tell me I'm wrong - this thing comes together at the end like a 4 inch slice of Black Forest Cake - sublime, smooth, devastating perfection.

Money quote: no - never mind, you gotta read the whole thing.

Josh Marshall for French foreign minister, or you know, Kerry's SecState, which would be basically the same thing.

Read this and tell me its not #1: the most pathetic argument against intelligent action you've ever heard. #2: Quite frightening that a guy as intelligent as JM lets himself construct such mythical boxes. And #3: that in a month, JM's treatment will be the standard leftist position on Spain's 3/11.

And most important - once again the lefty offers not a single actual practical response. Not. a. single. one.

Comments: ozymandias_1@hotmail.com

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